Coleman Throwing Up

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My friend Maggie has a twin brother named Coleman who visits us at ISU every now and then.
 My favorite stories Maggie has of Coleman are the times when he barfs while drinking.
Last Homecoming weekend at ISU, Coleman came and drank with us Friday night at a friend's apartment.
A couple brews in, Coleman was pretty full.
So he made room for more.
With a barfy burp.

The next morning...
Coleman steps outside to a lovely morning...
And he did. And he immediately projectile vomited a rainbow onto the driveway.

Maggie just told me a new one the other day...
After a long night of fun, Maggie was driving Coleman home...a few hours form their destination:
Maggie used her shoe to wipe it off and had to drive all the way back with a pukey windshield.
So pissed.

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